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  • Writer's pictureMargie Pankhurst

A quote that caught my eye

"In the garden of memory, in the palace of dreams... that is where you and I shall meet."

(Alice through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll)

There is something poignant and true about this quote for me. We all come with our full history of memories and science is telling us more and more that we also come with the history of the those who came before us in a very real way. So, human connection includes these gardens: maybe they were lush green rain forests, maybe a rock garden; probably a combination of both and somewhere in between.

And every time we meet, we bring our dreams. Even when we think we do not dream anymore, they are lurking somewhere in the dungeon. Simply, because we are human.

Bessel van der Kolk tells us that the ability to have safe human connection is the key to mental health and healing.

So, today I am asking myself: if I could paint my memory garden and dreamed palace, what would they look like? And how do they accommodate other gardens and palaces? How to make space that includes both me and not me....

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